QUESTION 1 Define micturition label 1-6 write functions of 2,3,6,4,5 name two water soluble and two fat soluble vitamins draw LS of kidney Differentiate between excretion and secretion Why is right kidney slightly lower than left kidney QUESTION 2 LABEL 1-8 which part of kidney lies in renal medulla and renal cortex Why are mitochondria mainly present in last part of nephron What is missing in this diagram Differentiate between glomerulus and malphigian capsule Name the processes responsible for production of urine define each process why renal medulla have striped appearance define glomerulus Differentiate between diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus define osmoregulation What is osmoregulatory organ of amoeba and human Why we urinate less in summers and more in winters Why is color of urine yellow Mention some inorganic wastes present in urine HAEMATURIA:KIDNEY STONE::ALBUMIN:_________ Urine passed in summer is thicker compared to in winters I...